One of people's favorites, (and ours too!) here at Black Spot Akitas is ROYALS DREAMING DRAGON OF BLACK SPOT! We are calling this handsome guy, Drago. Drago has some fantastic bloodlines and confirmation, and has great bone structure! Not to mention his non-confrontational personality. His puppies are doing so well, we are keeping some here at home to add to our breeding program. Check out his bloodlines below and ask us about past puppies. Many are already enjoying the great looks and personalities of these puppies.
Rio is a male we have kept back from our male, Bo, and one of Drago and Apen's granddaughters, Chile Pepper. Rio is the culmination of 20 years of our breeding program rolled in to one amazing package! Rio is now a year old and over 125 lbs.! He is the biggest male that we have here at Black Spot Akitas (by weight). He has big bone structure, a monstrous head and chest, and a very easy-going, cavalier personality. We are very impressed with the puppies he has produced thus far...especially out of Cocoa!!
LEXUS DARK MASK (TITAN) is our newest male that we are adding to our program. We are very excited to see what this huge boy will produce when crossed on our females here at Black Spot. We reached out across the ocean this time and brought home Titan from Serbia! He is the biggest puppy you will find! He loves being with people and shows such great affection for us. He is such a gentle giant, and is so kind and patient with all of our females and is very non-confrontational! He has grown up to be our tallest male thus far, topping out at 28" at the shoulders, at just a year old! We cannot wait to see him fill out when mature! He has some amazing champion bloodlines from top European breeders and should cross well with our girls. He has sired one breeding so far and we can't wait to try some more! Feel free to see more of Titan on our Facebook page by clicking the link at the top of our page.